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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Struggle for the Bodega Continues

The playing field for this bodega is starting to really look like a playing field!  Some of the forms are in and I can see where this is going to sit in the driveway.  The picture above is what Dave started with after the furor of cleaning up and and below is what is looks like now:

I think this bodega will look a lot more like Cleve's bodega (next door) rather than the large warehouse that Sal had.  This will then have a large wall at the back for him to hang his tools and benches for vices etc. and shelves on either end for storage.  He's working hard on this, but for an old gringo he can't work in the heat like he used to, so around noon he has to give up and let the boys continue until their lunch time.  They eat later than we do, usually around 2pm, and can get a lot done in those 2 hours.  Dave says he should be finished in about a month.  We'll see.

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