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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Will you LOOK at that BODEGA!

I know it's been longer than 3 days, but things happen - and I'll try to keep them in order.  The first thing that happened was that Barb & Sal came through with the cables for our trailer so back to Valle de Juarez we went!  I know I've said it before, but that quick transition from palm tree to pine tree in so few feet of altitude is amazing.  I could go on and on about the beauty up here, but I'll just let you see it for yourself.

Salvador and Barb took us back to the stone sculptureer and I couldn't help myself - I bought 3 more. This man is truly amazing - I envy his ability to see something inside these chunks of rocks and then to be able to release these creatures.  I am screaming inside myself because somehow I lost some pictures - but ha'e no fear for I shall return and take another picture of this gifted man with his family (and end up buyine more, I'm sure.

So - before I get carried away as to what else has been happening, here's some pics of the new bodega, complete with sliding, locking doors and a very nice speaker system!


I don't know about you, but I'd say THAT'S a happy guy!

Then I went back to Victoria for a week - saw me' mum and family ~ also saw the thorasic surgeon who gave me another clean bill of health (Yeah! 3 more years of cancer free and I'm in the clear!) and saw the pacemaker clinic - evidently should the unit fail I'll still make it to the hospital and that's a good sign.  So, don't have to see anyone until we get back to Victoria in May.

Next Episode:  Hurricane Jova

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